Web Design is Like Art...

Web design is one of the easiest fields of our day. With Websites such as Wix or Wordpress, an average joe can have his own space on the web in a couple of hours. However, often times, these websites are shoddy, poorly built, and are often mistakenly hidden from the search engine. My first site was 75% invisible to google and I never could understand why my posts recieved almost no traffic. Since then, I have been the architect of over 50 high quality websites that are used on a daily basis. I have found ways to optimize for traffic, prepare original designs, and connect businesses with owners all over the world.
There are dozens of reasons to use a professional web design service. Many people believe that by simply slapping up a logo on a domain with a few words about them, they have built a website. The sad fact is that most people would never make their own comercial, design their own logo, or create their own marketing material, yet hundreds of new businesses see the advertisements for "free web space" and "drag and drop" and believe the lie that quality web design is only a click away. In reality, even the best template requires a lot of knowledge to modify and make look as nice as it can be. These are crucial features that change whether 3% of your readers convert to sales or 10% convert.